Give children a life-changing arts experience

Performance dates & times

Monday 17 Jun
11:00 AM, 1:30 PM

Running Time 1 hour

Price range

Subscription packages available now
Child (under 16)
Groups of 4+

Appearing in concert halls from Carnegie Hall  to the Sydney Opera House, pianist Andrea Lam’s career spans across the globe. 

Appearing in concert halls from Carnegie Hall to the Sydney Opera House, pianist Andrea Lam’s career spans across the globe.

Renowned for her crystalline clarity, expressive lyrism and virtuosity, she has been inspiring and enrapturing audiences ever since her orchestral debut at age thirteen.

For this special Morning Melodies program, Andrea will join forces with Orchestra Victoria to present a concert of works handpicked for their significance in her life and career, interwoven with conversation in which Andrea will share the stories behind their selection.

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